seriouly, i have no idea wat to post. ok lets start. last night; this morning...ehh...@ 12.45am my uncle( dad's brother <--real dad that is, duh -.-) came back to singapore frm USA!!! after 17yrs!! 17!! 17 u noe!! tat is like dam long!! hu can not miss home after like 17 yrs?? *ahem* ok, then he bought me a doggy slipper!!! to wear it, u put ur foot into the dog' s mouth, ehh....i noe it sounds sick, but ya, tat is how u waer it. but 1 thing, it is SINGAPORE soooo it will be like super hot to wear it right?? -.-"
today!! the results for CCA is out, I GOT INTO TENNIS!! WTF!!!! I AM LIKE DAM PISSED OFF!! i didnt even put it as my choice!!! the COCK EYE is it?? F!!! and the coach say if i put bball as 1st chioce then i will get in. STUPID SCHOOL!! wat the hell is this luhh, the not chosen one got in, and i didnt!! wat is this?? i am like super super super ANGRY!! ARGH!! COCK EYE!!! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!! wow! i have never said so many bad words. cb!!! LOL. so i appealed to get into bball, if i un get in.....I WILL LIKE KILL MYSELF AND SUE THE SCH!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ *cough cough*
oh, and we got our name tags!! FINALLY!! but it looks shitty. -.- like the back is red and the front is white?? ewww......like sg flag. not nice not nice. I WAN GO PLAY MY BASKETBALL<3333