went for lenten vigil @ church ytd.
then we FLM went for supper!!
tat was the 1st time i see darren eat so littleO_O
he said he was sleepy, so didnt eat much.
then today actually need to go cat{not meow~ type of cat} class @ 8.30
butbutbut cos last night, or sld i say morning sleep @ 2, so cant wake up in time.
so went for class @ 9.13 ._.
i have a VRY good reason y i'm late okay.
not my fault.
then cos it is the hols so dun have to go for my british council tuition.
so went for my other tuition early.
went @ 2.00, then i do my work until dunno wat time.
do...do...do...do...do...do..-read message frm nick-{ask me go park}do...do...do...do...do...do...do..
-look at the time- OMGGG!!! IT WAS ALREADY 6.30!!!
then rushed home, ate dinner.
then parent wanted to go PP then ask if i want to go or go park.
then of cos i choose the park luhhh XD
then me and nick crap-ed ard until 8.00.
then he made me walk the looooonnnnggggggg way, so can walk with him.
then want to turn, he must go block me, SHIT HIM! D:
so now come back le lah.
so blogging lor.
okay...this is vry late i noe but this is for ytd.
i gtg now, need pack bag for tmr.