this moring was really weird. it got sooo BRIGHT so early then suddenyl become O_O!
scary. had AV duty but didnt have to do due to the weather! see?
HAHAH/ during recess i randomly took a picture! guess what?
jamie looks like she is doing a shampoo advertisment! HAHAH. so cool.

cos the HE girls cooked fried-rice. i KOPED! like everyone's food.
i didnt go to the canteen at all! i feel so bad now. sorry guys!
my CHINESE! ahh! so screwed, oh-so-screwed.
i think i'm going to fail badly, really badly.
i just passed my compo. oh-man!
YES! there was training today! Sarah didnt come as she was not feeling well.
today's training seemed to have gone passed so quickly.
i better update the bball blog. it is soooo DEAD! LOL.
OH, i have this super random thing.
wouldn't it be cool if Shawn married a Shawn?
and eve married an adam?
any adam(s) or shawn(s) interrested? i can intro intro XD

Sherry OBVIOUSLY has eye-sight problems!
this is fact!
the end. fullstop. done. no more(:
my dad is bugging mre to let him use the com. so BYE(: