today JJSNRP keep trying to clip prata's DnT work onto my hair.
they were laughing, i was laughing at something, then the just clip it on my hair.
then after a while, i felt something, then i found out that thing was cliped onto my hair.
so mean):

we went to the prata shop to eat lunch.
look at the picture, what do you see?
they are going to add gold into your drink.
then shu rui borrowed my phone to sms someone,
then she just had to read my meaasges.
so mean):
i had a cheese prata.
it wasn't enough, so me and jamie went to pizza hut to get some food.
Shu rui took one drumlet from me and so did Pamela.
training, i cannot do.
i want to train also cannot.
then i stupid stupid go run when playing with mr seah, shu rui and sam.
then now my leg is hurting like shit.
not only that.
i also ran to help SHOO ____ for pamela.
he is so rude la.
you ought to thank me(:
my dad had gone for am eye surgery.
his eyes are
freaky .
i don't dare to look at him.
later i cannot sleep tonight.
i feel very err also you know