heyheyhey, today was awesome(:
was awesome too, i like training now.
i like coach ryan(not in that way)
he eyes at chio bu and silly stuff.
oh, he thought us how to take picture in the middle of traning.
'eh, stop stop. let me teach you life's essential. how to take a picture. move the camera 45degrees to the side then 45degrees up, then take!' -flashes a big smile at kaline's phone-
Lol, he funny lor.
we ran 2rounds around cch.
1round = 1.2km.
i took 4.48mins to run the first round and 4.52mins to run the second(:
but i felt like shitting after the first round, but after the second, i didnt feel like shitting anymore.
after training, jamie, pamela, nicole and rachel came over to my house.
we managed to get a cab outside cch.
and picked rachel up.
she made us wait so we had to pay more.
we played abit of basketball.
called nicky and zhen hong over and they decided to swim too.
we had a great time(:
dunking people.
nicole finally has a GUY friend.
infact two guy friends(:
nicky and ZH should feel hornored(:
well, my sun-burn got worse.
but i had fun, so its worth it(:
zhen hong likes pamala, he said 'she is very strong' and he has small ears like her.
he also likes jamie he keep talking about her pushing him into the water.
and he is compatable with rachel.
zhen hong,
zhen yi(:
nicky & jamie, they were fighting and they both have big ears!
& nicole, fighting too.
& Zhen Hong! they're kinda gay~

Today went cycling with kenneth and nicky from 8.30.
Kenneth lead the way, yup.
He is crazy la.
Cycle so fast we like dying behind trying to catch up.
Oh, we lost Kenneth once.
Went all the way to Bedok Reservoir.
Stare at the waters.
Bought water.
Played at the playground.
Played sand.
Cycled to ECP.
Reached park and called zhen hong along.
Kenneth left us halfway.
Played with water.
Played with sand.
Buried nicky, we gave him man boobs., moobs.
Ate at macs.
Went back to park.
On the way back Rachel called me and talked to me.
I was cycling with one hand and I almost died.
Called chloe to the park.
Went to celene’s house.
Went to my house.
Nicky saw the pool and wanted to swim.
Called people over to swim.
Celene, Kenneth, nicky, chloe, sumitra and me swam(:
Went up to bath.
Ate loads of food.
Went to the park.
I got sun-burn):
Its red and painful.
Sad case.
oh, nicky said 'Zhen Hong's down there very big!' LOL.
The whole day nicky was trying to kill me.
yea, new blogskin.
might be changing it again.
Lol. waste my time. pff.
am talking to jamie, rachel and nicole.
R: rachel rocks, period.
N: nicole rocks more.
R: no, rachel rocks more.
N: you know what? post about me.
J: no i'll post about me.
talking about,
brushing teeth.
jamie losing.
'jamie addicted to my ass' -RACHEL
going out.
horror movie.
play retarded games.
sleepover plan.
going to the beach.
cycling at 3am.
booking chalet.
parents dont let us go.
nicole not being able to cycle.
hurting her CB.
cycling 'FAST', only on straight road.
dad scolded. stopped.
today my AWESOME friends came over to my house to celebrate my belated birthday for me.
like, really really belated.
firstly, they pushed me into the pool. then we pushed jamie into the pool, and next was rachel.
however, another incident took place, rachel's phone-.-
normal clothes + things inside pocket (eps. phone) + pool = BAD!
ok, then we tried to fix rachel's phone.
then ate food, more food and more food.
we played uno attack but the freaking machine was so kock.
so we decided to play cheat.
i never won before-.-
they all left at 4.30.
no more shcool.
will miss you guys.
i'll see pamela and jamie alot still.
i'm sick.
carry loads of stuff.
walk home in the rain.
all wet and aching.
nose leaking and coughing.
i'm tired.
i just feel like sleeping.
'we had to do it in sec1 too you know?'
mind you, this is not my first time doing this, it's my third.
all of which i walk home.
have you tried walking? i bet its not as close to your home.
please at least spare a thought for me la.
dont know, dont anyhow say.
i'm not scolding, just saying.

went out with rachel and nicole today.
i was shitting then i saw the time. i was like 'crap!! i'm late!'
then i rushed to eunos to and rachel called me saying her mum have not told her if she could go out and that she was shitting.
i waited for her for half-an-hour.
4 trains passed by~
then she finally came!
went to tiong bahru to wait for nicole.
she help me buy YORURT!
then went to bonna vista
(how to spell)? to collect rachel's shirt from ACJC.
then went to city hall.
walked a round.
bought yogurt.
eat dinner.
bought yogurt again.
then, nicole had to walk near an auto door and she kept playing with it.
its called the HAUNTU door.
laughed like crazy.
suddenly had 'freaking' in every sentence.
laughed until stomach ache.
walk home.
saw friends still playing basketball so late at night.
i ate 3cups of yogurt today.
i'm so going to LAO SAI. hahha.
had a nice day :D
today at first was supposed to be training, but it turned into a meeting.
we talked talked talked.
went pizza hut for lunch.
went to shawn's house!!!
so fun.
we watched mamamia.
played pingpong.
went to play water at the pool and ended up swimming in our jerseys!!
i accidently dropped shaika's phone into the pool.
i'm so sorry!!
i'm really sorry, really sorry.
i'll pay. i'll pay.
we bathed in our jerseys.
jamie and eve took out their jerseys.
some stuffs.
played some games and went home.
went to the park.
he was there! finally.
here are some out of the 130+ pictures we took.