i've been tagged by sam to do this.
RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you have secrets?hahaha, yes. who wouldnt have? O_O
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
well, actually, yes.
3. Do you enjoy going to sch?oh, of cos! i get so spend time with my friends, why not?
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?spend it! HAH!
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?well, my best friends are girls. in that case, no(:
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?hmmm, both?
7. (i changed this one)
Do you have virgin lips?YES. first kiss is important ok.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?i'll feel happy for him(:
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
LOL. same as sam, i cant remember i've 1GB though, inside joke:D
10. (changed this one too)
if you were to choose 5people to live with, who will it be?
Jamie, Samantha, Nicole, Rachel and Pamela(i dont think pamela will be allowed to) if she aint coming, i'll get _a_ _ e _. HAHAH. try and guess.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?i see myself as a woman(:
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?shouldn't the 'is' be 'are'? my mother, my father, my sister, my brother(wait, i dont have siblings-.-) ok, my reletives, my friends and GOD, i know he'll always be there for me. and my....
13. What kind of the person do you think the person tagged you is?:]she is SUPER RANDOM and crazy. or should i say she has many thoughts?
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?HEYHEYHEY! sam~ thats not in the question-.- i would be...........single and rich(:
15. What is your favourite colour?gween16. Would you give all in a relationship?
huh? meaning? phrasing abit off. you mean will you give it your all in a relationship? maybe? depends who it is.
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?the one with better character and better looking one? HAH.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?i will forgive, for sure. but not really forget. its hard, no?
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
it all depends, theres advantages and disadvantages to both.
20. 5 people I have tagged:
-Rachel Tan
-Pamela Low
-Nicole Lim (just filling up space, do sam's she tagged you first, or you can do mine, HEHEH.)
-Jamie Fong (filling up space, do sam's she tagged you first, or you can do mine, HEHEH.)
not feeling well, i slept the whole day. there is lit on monday and i've not studied.
you might not see me in school on monday. i'm going to the doctors to get an MC.
so sick, so so sick D: