went out with rachel and nicole today.
i was shitting then i saw the time. i was like 'crap!! i'm late!'
then i rushed to eunos to and rachel called me saying her mum have not told her if she could go out and that she was shitting.
i waited for her for half-an-hour.
4 trains passed by~
then she finally came!
went to tiong bahru to wait for nicole.
she help me buy YORURT!
then went to bonna vista
(how to spell)? to collect rachel's shirt from ACJC.
then went to city hall.
walked a round.
bought yogurt.
eat dinner.
bought yogurt again.
then, nicole had to walk near an auto door and she kept playing with it.
its called the HAUNTU door.
laughed like crazy.
suddenly had 'freaking' in every sentence.
laughed until stomach ache.
walk home.
saw friends still playing basketball so late at night.
i ate 3cups of yogurt today.
i'm so going to LAO SAI. hahha.
had a nice day :D