Message we saw at MACS! : “ mii nommii laogong: ii lurrvezx euu lotz n lotz 1314,, ii herpez we will be 2gedar 4evazx,, muaxzxzz muaxzxzzzz. Euu aare mii happiie fruit laoo goong… “
That reall gives me the shivers…….*brrrrrrr*
Haha. TWIIT! I have no idea how people do it, seriously.
After school we did the cheerleading thingy.
Then Sam, Nicole, Lavelle, Jamie, E***** and I went to macs to eat.
As usual, our Friday thing.
It was dam dead la.
Until…..Jamie got her McFlurry. Hah!
She was dam happy at the number of choco balls that was in that cup.
I swear.
Then we got all high and all.
Jamie is pregnant.
She was looking at the small boy next to us (ok, he just looks small), he was eating alone.
Jamie took Lavelle’s phone and typed ‘I feel so sad that small boy next to us, he is eating all alone. He has no friends DDDD: ‘
And the next thing, Jamie started crying, seriously, she was crying.
While she was crying a lady behind her was reading a news paper –front page- ‘JAMIE blahblahblahblahblah’
I was laughing like crazy.
I received a phone call from Rachel and Lavelle got one from Nicole.
Then both of us said to Jamie at the same time “Jamie do you know you have heats today!?”
And then I realised I had heats too!
So we rushed off to school.
And Jamie was still feeling very sad for the boy.
I found $5 on the floor :D
I was with Jamie at the shot put area.
I found this leaf which was on a stalk! A very long one.
I lost to a bet again, now I owe her an ice lemon tea.
We did our work and slacked at magic wok for a while.
I had ice-cream.
Went home.
Went to the park.