WAHHH!!! today so tired....-.- super tired sia...me, pammy, sammy, jamie, cassie and nicole, we all went to McDonalds then parkway parade HURRAY!! (my foot arh...) LOL. jkjk, i need to buy stuff anyway. then they all came to MY hse!! we played bball then played com. then after awhile, sammy and jamie needed to go home! so i walked them to the MRT station, suddenly rain..-.- i had to run back...SO I RAN!! i like almost died. then, nicole needed to go home, so i sent her down, when i came up, cassie need to go home-.- so went down AGAIN. pammy is the best!!! stay until 5pm.(O_O#)! then i walked her to the St. Pat 's bus-stop, cassie i noe u're sooooo jealous.
then came back(running), grab my ball(basket ball luhh, dun think sick) then went to the park to play bball, then meet this guy, hu also play audi, maple and py(pangya) ok, we shall call him, wing-nut. so i played bball with wing-nut and some of my frens. then ask for my number, then when i go home liao, suddenly sms me ask me for stead!! WHF!!! i just know u, hello?? DESPO luhh, hate despo ppl...-.-
oh, and i also hurt my finger when playing, the ball hit my nail, then bend in half, then blood came out, now still super pain.
ok, then now he still pestering me...so pissed!! ARGH!! whole body aching now.
buaibuai<--- act cute..-.-
ps; red <---- just added