today was GREAT!
went vivo with rachel♥ and nicole♥
so fun. we shopped till we dropped and played water!
nicole had shoes that were waterproof, dam cool!
time files so quickly when you are having fun.
soon, it was time to go home.
at first we wanted to go watch a movie but...
the queue was so freaking long):
and there wasn't much time.
so, we didnt watch):
we went to Ben&Jerrys to eat. rachel ate 3scoops of ice-cream and me and nicole ate 1each.
rachel eats like she have never eaten for days!
and her mouth! oh-my(shall not futher say anything)
she finished 3scoops of ice-cream as fast as i eat one scoop of ice-cream. amazing.
OMG! i spent so much!!
went home then went to play bball with my friends.
i ♥ ernest's dog!! so cute la!
oh, and at the park there was this really cute(as in really cute) vietnam guy.
he knows how to speak 5languages! O_O!
Vietnam, English, Korean, Japanese and one more, cant rmb):
and he is MY AGE! wakkakakakaka.
i tot he was younger, he looks younger. LOL
i had fun(:
thanks for making my day(: