heyheyhey, today was awesome(:
was awesome too, i like training now.
i like coach ryan(not in that way)
he eyes at chio bu and silly stuff.
oh, he thought us how to take picture in the middle of traning.
'eh, stop stop. let me teach you life's essential. how to take a picture. move the camera 45degrees to the side then 45degrees up, then take!' -flashes a big smile at kaline's phone-
Lol, he funny lor.
we ran 2rounds around cch.
1round = 1.2km.
i took 4.48mins to run the first round and 4.52mins to run the second(:
but i felt like shitting after the first round, but after the second, i didnt feel like shitting anymore.
after training, jamie, pamela, nicole and rachel came over to my house.
we managed to get a cab outside cch.
and picked rachel up.
she made us wait so we had to pay more.
we played abit of basketball.
called nicky and zhen hong over and they decided to swim too.
we had a great time(:
dunking people.
nicole finally has a GUY friend.
infact two guy friends(:
nicky and ZH should feel hornored(:
well, my sun-burn got worse.
but i had fun, so its worth it(:
zhen hong likes pamala, he said 'she is very strong' and he has small ears like her.
he also likes jamie he keep talking about her pushing him into the water.
and he is compatable with rachel.
zhen hong,
zhen yi(:
nicky & jamie, they were fighting and they both have big ears!
& nicole, fighting too.
& Zhen Hong! they're kinda gay~