woot~ this is abt ytd!! this is how it went,
1. went to grand-uncle and aunty's hse. (mother's side)2. went to my grand-aunty's hse (father's side)3. went to my grandmother's hse( father's side)4. went to my uncle's hse (mother's elder brother)5. went to my cousins' hse until 2am this morning!! i got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many ang paooooooooooooo~!!
not like have counted or really care abt how much $$ ppl give or how many ang paos i have. i have not even opened any of my ang paos. O_O?
ok, i shall tok abt wat happen @ point number [5],
i reached there @ abt 8++?? my cousin
(boy, 36, Jason) <-- not like u noe him..-_-"then we had 'low hey'
<---(how the hell do u spell this??) and i was asked to take pictures!!!
see?? ppl knoe i can take good pictures. WAKAKAKAKA~
then 18 of us
(all cousins) went to watch 'CJ7' it is dam funny, well, the aults did not really like it. but the thingy is soooooo cute!!
during the show there was one part, the boy
(which was acted by a girl) was crying and i started laughing , ppl was staring @ me ok?? so ps can?? cos my cousin
( a P5 girl, hu is super super super immature) suddenly say
"he cry like a wolf" i was like
"AH~ HAHAHA~" *whiper* "shit"ok, then when the show ended, we went back to my cousin's hse. some chatted, some played majong, some play cards, i did ALL!! LOL. went here went there. so ya, like tat lor. the my aunt felt hungry then asked hu wanted to wat fried rice with sambal chilly. so she cooked and i ate a bowl
( i was hungey ok? i didnt eat dinner) but my cousin worse
HE ATE 3, 3 ARH, 3 BOWLS!!pro luhhh.ok now abt today,
1. went to another grand-aunty's hse2. mustafah centre (crowed like hell)3. my ah-yee's hse now 2 ah-yee hse lor, posting. waiting for dinner so decided to post. later maybe post somemore.